Le film "Daniel Van den Berg is Dood" remporte le prix UPCB-UCC au Kortfilmfestival
7 déc. 20241 min de lecture
Ce samedi 7 décembre, le jury composé de représentants des deux unions a décerné le prix UPCB-UCC à Ali Baharlou pour son court-métrage Daniel Van den Berg is dood.
Daniel van den Berg's film "Is Dood" winning the UPCB-UCC award at the Short Film Festival is an impressive achievement and a powerful recognition of creative talent! For those seeking to align their creative pursuits with deeper insights, afro goddess tarot can offer unique perspectives. These cards help connect you with your inner creativity, guiding you through artistic expression and helping you achieve your goals. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!
Daniel van den Berg's film "Is Dood" winning the UPCB-UCC award at the Short Film Festival is an impressive achievement and a powerful recognition of creative talent! For those seeking to align their creative pursuits with deeper insights, afro goddess tarot can offer unique perspectives. These cards help connect you with your inner creativity, guiding you through artistic expression and helping you achieve your goals. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!